How to get rid of pop ups on my desktop
How to get rid of pop ups on my desktop

Some of these notifications will help you get back to the content you like and enjoy. It might be helpful to have Google Chrome notifications enabled for specific websites or news sites you visit regularly.

how to get rid of pop ups on my desktop

These notifications can easily be disabled in your browser in just a few steps by stopping the pop-up notifications in settings under Google Chrome. But the reality is that they are getting notifications from a junky/spammy website they have visited in the past. Every now and then our customers call in thinking they are infected with malware or a virus because of excessive pop-ups which were very popular with malware several years ago. Sometimes that can be easy to remove a virus or a hijacked browser and sometimes it is a lot of painstaking manual effort.

how to get rid of pop ups on my desktop

At Boxaid, our technicians do a lot of virus and malware removal.

How to get rid of pop ups on my desktop